Custom Query (292 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 292)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#56 fixed timestamps for files on shares are not always correct Yuri Dario

The timestamp of a file sometimes shows a 1 hour difference from local file.

Further investigations, showed that files created in summer time has the 1 hour gap if local time is winter time (and viceversa).

#57 wontfix testparm.exe -v produces an invalid smb.conf if the winbind separator character is the default "\" Paul Smedley Herwig Bauernfeind

Reproduction scenario:

1.) Remove any winbind separator line from your smb.conf.

2.) Create a complete smb.conf somewhere by using testparm -v >smb.conf
Now your smb.conf will have a line

winbind separator = \

in your new smb.conf which is the default and perfectly valid. Copy this newly created smb.conf over the one you used before.

3.) Now run testparm -v >smb_broken.conf on that smb.conf again: It will choke and find the following error:

ERROR: the 'winbind separator' parameter must be a single character.

In smb_broken.conf you will find the following line, which is invalid:

winbind separator = 	winbind cache time = 300

Current workaround: Don't use the default winbind separator, use | instead.

Nasty side effect: This breaks every program that uses testparm.exe as a syntax checker in verbose mode for smb.conf

#58 fixed ndpsmb.dll does not distinguish between printer and directory shares Herwig Bauernfeind

The Samba Client ndpsmb.dll does not distinguish between printer and directory shares.

The result of this that both eVFSGUI (eCS Bugtracker #1996) and NetDrive? happily mount printers as directories.

The problem is even documented in ndpsmb.c in line 860 and following, where the Samba ressource type is explicitly ignored.

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