Custom Query (292 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 292)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#76 Paul Smedley Herwig Bauernfeind worksforme tdb related error since changeset 165

Since changeset 165 was applied, I see several strange errors related to tdb code:

  • locked file displayed when Samba is not even running (the entry was not cleared in locking.tdb)
  • errors accessing when unexpected.tdb
  • ...

Overall stability and performance does not seem to be impacted.

#86 Silvan Scherrer digi fixed IO errors during writes

Samba continues to try to write a file if is an any errors happens during recording. Some times file stay opened after user's logout until samba runned.

It may be reproduced with my program bladder.exe. Bladder.exe can create file with specified size for reducing free space on drive. Also plugin NDPLQ for NetDrive? can be used. Debug version of this plugin will show perpetual writes with errors.

#98 Silvan Scherrer Herwig Bauernfeind duplicate Thunderbird profile on a Samba share is very slow

Having a Thunderbird profile on a Samba share is really slow (average transfer speeds of only 30kb/sec on a share that is normally good for 22000 KB/s max).

From the logs one can see that there are breaks of several seconds every now and then.

I have a test setup for this scenario at hand and I am able to create logs any time.

This was tested on a 3.3.6 Server and 1.5beta2 client setup with Thunderbird I have one report that behaviour is the same with a recent 3.0.x Server and 1.5beta1 client.

Personal note: This reminds me of the slow speed also seen with server started Windows profiles. Maybe these two are related.

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