
Sep 1, 2014:

9:56 PM Changeset [445] by dmik
spec: expat: initial release 2.1.0-1.
9:24 PM Changeset [444] by dmik
spec: libtool Release version 2.4.2-2.

Aug 31, 2014:

12:21 AM Changeset [443] by dmik
spec: libtool: Initial release 2.4.2-1.

Aug 30, 2014:

1:06 AM Changeset [442] by dmik
spec: automake: Initial release 1.14.1-1.

Aug 29, 2014:

3:07 PM Changeset [441] by dmik
spec: autoconf: Release 2.69-1.
5:55 AM Ticket #73 (createrepo fails) closed by Dave Yeo
worksforme: It's now working fine
2:40 AM Changeset [440] by dmik
spec: m4: Release 1.4.17-1.

Aug 21, 2014:

11:00 PM Changeset [439] by dmik
spec: mmap: Release 2:0.5-1.

Aug 19, 2014:

2:08 PM Changeset [438] by dmik
spec: libc: Release 0.6.5-20.

Aug 17, 2014:

7:39 PM Ticket #84 (Our bash port is broken, and doesn't work with the RPM/YUM environment ...) closed by Yuri Dario
invalid: The current bash binary shipped with RPM is an old prebuilt binary …
7:37 PM Ticket #86 (Our bash port is broken #2: it doesn't know anything about /@unixroot/) closed by Yuri Dario
invalid: The current bash binary shipped with RPM is an old prebuilt binary …
2:35 AM Ticket #92 (yum-utils is missing confs for plugins) created by Lewis Rosenthal
I thought I already had yum-utils installed before I manually …
1:07 AM WikiStart edited by Lewis Rosenthal
Tightened up some language concerning repos; added plugin and … (diff)

Aug 16, 2014:

7:20 PM Ticket #91 (python: (2.7.6) trouble with SSL (to access repo from https)) created by Lewis Rosenthal
I wanted to test accessing an encrypted repo over SSL. As …
7:13 PM Ticket #90 (python: (2.7.6) problem determining filesystem encoding) created by Lewis Rosenthal
This is tangentially related to getting SSL support for yum repos, so …
7:00 PM Ticket #89 (python: (2.7.6) missing unittest) created by Lewis Rosenthal
For some reason, while unittest should be part of the base python …

Aug 15, 2014:

9:23 AM Ticket #77 ('No module named urlgrabber' after 'yum update python') closed by Silvan Scherrer

Aug 14, 2014:

6:02 PM Ticket #80 (The Perl RPM package doesn't actually contain any Perl) closed by dbanet
fixed: Appears to work now, thanks. I've run {{{yum clean metadata && yum …
2:37 PM Changeset [437] by Yuri Dario
spec: noip, added icons.
2:36 PM Changeset [436] by Yuri Dario
spec: pthread, r812-813, set stack to be at least 2MB for new threads. …
2:21 PM Changeset [435] by Yuri Dario
spec: perl, various updates.

Aug 13, 2014:

6:34 PM Ticket #82 (A conflict between RPM packages libmpc3 and mpc-devel: both cannot be ...) closed by dbanet
fixed: Appears to work now. […]

Aug 6, 2014:

3:59 PM Ticket #88 (yum commands fail when running under LANG=ja_JP) created by Alex Taylor
Running any yum command on a Japanese OS/2 system, or any language …

Aug 5, 2014:

8:03 PM Changeset [434] by Yuri Dario
spec: mpc, added debug package with symbolic info for exceptq.
6:59 PM Changeset [433] by Yuri Dario
spec: mpc, resolve dll conflict with devel package, fixes ticket#82.
6:55 PM Ticket #85 (yum install openssl-static does not work) closed by Yuri Dario
fixed: The file is corrupted and there isn't a backup copy. I have deleted …

Aug 4, 2014:

12:19 PM Ticket #87 (The ash RPM package doesn't actually contain any ash) created by dbanet
12:17 PM Ticket #86 (Our bash port is broken #2: it doesn't know anything about /@unixroot/) created by dbanet
[…] sh works okay: […]

Aug 3, 2014:

8:05 PM Ticket #85 (yum install openssl-static does not work) created by Andib
[…] Looks like the archive is corrupted or what else is wrong?
7:22 PM Ticket #84 (Our bash port is broken, and doesn't work with the RPM/YUM environment ...) created by dbanet
For example, let's take the coreutils package: […] And let's take …
6:35 PM Ticket #83 (The base64.exe tool from coreutils RPM package is broken: base64 ...) created by dbanet
[C:\usr\bin].\uname.exe OS/2 [C:\usr\bin]cat uname.exe | base64 | …
6:22 PM Ticket #82 (A conflict between RPM packages libmpc3 and mpc-devel: both cannot be ...) created by dbanet
So I can have either the headers, or the library... [C:\]yum …
6:04 PM Ticket #81 (git-all RPM package fails to install due to dependency resolution failure) created by dbanet
[C:\]yum install git-all Setting up Install Process Resolving …
6:03 PM Ticket #80 (The Perl RPM package doesn't actually contain any Perl) created by dbanet
[C:\]yum install perl netlabs-rel 100% …

Jul 31, 2014:

9:59 AM Ticket #77 ('No module named urlgrabber' after 'yum update python') reopened by Silvan Scherrer
9:54 AM Ticket #79 (False (?) error message for watcom-wrc) closed by Silvan Scherrer
duplicate: If you had searched the tickets first (hint hint), you had found …

Jul 28, 2014:

1:12 PM Ticket #79 (False (?) error message for watcom-wrc) created by Andib
My wrc currently is - 'Open Watcom Windows and OS/2 Resource Compiler …

Jul 12, 2014:

3:56 AM Ticket #78 (yum should warn if LIBC_UNIX_EAS is disabling EAs for install volume) created by Steven Levine
Since yum/rpm requires symbolic links in a user happens to have EAs …

Jun 28, 2014:

12:46 PM Changeset [432] by Yuri Dario
spec: libc, emxomf, merged libc tickets #251, #293, #295.

Jun 26, 2014:

4:05 PM Ticket #44 (Mercurial no longer works with https) closed by Dave Yeo
worksforme: Works now.

Jun 25, 2014:

12:29 PM Ticket #67 (Yum/Rpm stopped working) closed by Silvan Scherrer
fixed: we assume this is fixed, If not please either reopen this ticket, or …
12:19 PM Ticket #58 (WarpIn package: UNIXROOT error when already set correctly (?)) closed by Silvan Scherrer
fixed: This change was done about a year ago. So closing the ticket. As a …
12:08 PM Ticket #48 (git pull can not find message file) closed by Silvan Scherrer
invalid: as this ticket doesn't belong to rpm/yum section I closed it. Feel …

Jun 20, 2014:

12:17 PM Ticket #64 (spec: gcc4: Updated wlink with a fix to dynamic memory exhaustion) closed by dmik
fixed: http://trac.netlabs.org/libc/ticket/156 may require some more work to …
11:56 AM Changeset [431] by Yuri Dario
spec: watcom, wlink build 20140527, uses highmem allocations.
10:54 AM Ticket #75 (Mercurial package broken with python27) closed by Yuri Dario
10:14 AM Ticket #75 (Mercurial package broken with python27) reopened by Yuri Dario
Current mercurial has python 2.7 as requirement. can you post …
10:08 AM Ticket #75 (Mercurial package broken with python27) closed by Yuri Dario
duplicate: Same issue as ticket#77.

Jun 18, 2014:

6:20 PM Ticket #77 ('No module named urlgrabber' after 'yum update python') closed by Yuri Dario
6:15 PM Changeset [430] by Yuri Dario
spec: urlgrabber, s3cmd, rebuild to fix for ticket#77.
12:21 PM RpmHowToEndUsers edited by Silvan Scherrer

Jun 16, 2014:

8:30 PM Ticket #77 ('No module named urlgrabber' after 'yum update python') created by Andib
After I did a 'yum update python' I always get - […] Other packages …

Jun 9, 2014:

1:59 PM Ticket #76 (spec: Pull sources directly from SVN/GIT) created by dmik
Currently, for many packages the logic of obtaining the sources to …
1:52 PM Changeset [429] by dmik
spec: which: Fix small typo.

Jun 4, 2014:

12:28 AM Ticket #75 (Mercurial package broken with python27) created by Andy Willis
Mercurial looks for python 2.65 and fails to install with python 2.7.6 …
12:25 AM Ticket #65 (yum shell hangs) closed by Andy Willis

Jun 3, 2014:

11:34 PM Changeset [428] by dmik
spec: which: Add initial OS/2 version 1.0-1.
2:41 PM Ticket #42 (Python 2.7 causes YUM to fail) closed by Silvan Scherrer
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.