Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#236 invalid uploading to a repo Silvan Scherrer

with the recent addition of the automatic legacy_packages creation we face now a small issue when uploading to a repo. as the created legacy packages are called the same with every new rpm build (which is perfect right of course) the upload stops because it finds the same file already. with the -f switch the upload proceeds.

#237 wontfix Use an OS/2 friendly version of which.exe Dave Yeo

The which that RPM installs is pretty basic and can only search for executables. There are OS/2 ports such as or, source included (Hobbes) which can search for much more, eg

which (v2.1.4, 2002.06.26) for OS/2, from Newtware                         8:2

Usage:  which.exe [options] [cmd ... ]

    (default behavior is to find location of program executed as "cmd")
    -1  show the first match from all cmd args; display nothing if not found
    -a  list all matches (With -1, list all first matches of cmd args)
    -b  search directories in BOOKSHELF for book (.inf and .pdf) files
    -d  search directories in DPATH for data files
    -e  search directories in a given env var; Example: -e EPMPATH
    -h  search directories in HELP for help (.hlp) files
    -l  search directories in LIBPATH (BEGIN/ENDLIBPATH) for DLLs, LIBs, As
    -i  search directories in C_INCLUDE_PATH for header (.h) files
    -q  quiet mode (only returns error code without onscreen messages)
    -s  show file date/time and size
    -u  revert to OS/2 style '\' dir separator (default is now Unix style '/')

   cmd  name to be searched (wildcards can be used)

Examples:   -las emx*
           which.exe -las foo*.bar  (override the default extension)
#238 fixed python Silvan Scherrer

adding the python macros from would make sense, as more and more python specs use them.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.