Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#254 invalid Updating RPM results in failure darcio

Attempting to upgrade the core RPM itself causes a failure with the following error available in the log file:


[ 21 May 2017 08:33:45 ]
Executing: @python G:\UTIL\ANPM\scripts\ rpm

Running Transaction Check Error:
[u'ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:', 'rpm = 4.13.0-10.oc00 is needed by rpm-python-4.13.0-10.oc00.i686', 'rpm.dll is needed by rpm-python-4.13.0-10.oc00.i686', 'rpmbuild.dll is needed by rpm-python-4.13.0-10.oc00.i686', 'rpmio.dll is needed by rpm-python-4.13.0-10.oc00.i686', u'Please report this error at'] YumRPMCheckError() Return code: 0

STOP ===

The DLLs are available, a system check confirms:

[G:\]whichdll rpm The loaded instance of rpm is: G:\USR\LIB\RPM.DLL

[G:\]whichdll rpmbuild The loaded instance of rpmbuild is: G:\USR\LIB\RPMBUILD.DLL

[G:\]whichdll rpmio The loaded instance of rpmio is: G:\USR\LIB\RPMIO.DLL

#29 worksforme Updating package kills WPS objects Yuri Dario dmik

It seems that updating a package that uses %wps_object_create... macros to create WPS objects causes these objects to be deleted (as upon yum remove) but not created back when installing the new version. At least, this happened here once. Needs investigation.

The quick fix is to do yum reinstall <package> -- this will restore WPS objects.

#346 fixed Updating wget / libidn2 fails without netlabs-exp usenet-fbi

Without netlabs-exp:

Updating wget to 1.20.3-2.oc00 requires install of libidn2 in version 2.3.0-1.oc00 (both in netlabs-rel)

but that fails with

ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:unistri2.dll wird benötigt von libidn2-2.3.0-1.oc00.i686Bitte melden Sie diesen Fehler unter

German-English mix with ArcaOS Beta 5 DE and updated ANPM 1.05 DE, all typos and missing spaces from original reproduced here.

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