Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (142 - 144 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#148 fixed python: os.popen doesn't accept backslashes dmik

I discovered a strange problem with os.popen regarding paths containing backslashes:

import os

gcc_exe = "C:\\usr\\bin\\gcc.exe"

print "["+repr(gcc_exe)+"]"

# [1] This works
exists = os.access(gcc_exe, os.X_OK)
print "exists", exists

if exists:

    # [2] This works too, if uncommented
    #os.execl(gcc_exe, "gcc", "-dumpversion")

    # [3] This doesn't work :(((
    out = os.popen(gcc_exe + ' -dumpversion', 'r')
        out_string =
        print out_string

This gives the following output here:

exists True
C:usrbingcc.exe: not found

Both [1] and [2] cases work, but case [3] does not. Seems that some extra string evaluation happens before the string is passed down to the popen implementation (as if str(gcc_exe) were called) which effectively kills backslashes.

#149 fixed Standardize debug package creation, part 2 dmik

There was #134 which dealt with this issue already but it also touched some other topics which were resolved and the ticket twas closed. However, the main task is not complete, hence the new ticket. It's target is to implement the %debug_package macro so that it automatically creates debug packages when invoked, according to the debug package creation rules that we establish.

#150 wontfix python: deal with reverse /@unixroot replacement dmik

When doing some path absolutization, python causes /@unixroot in paths to be replaced with the actual value of $UNIXROOT (e.g. "C:"). This gives for paths like /@unixroot/usr/bin/python.exe paths like C:/USR/BIN/python.exe. The main problem with these paths is that they are not portable across different installations (i.e. installations using different UNIXROOT settings, e.g. different drive letters or such).

One such problem is shown in r529. But there are surely more of these.

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