Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#196 fixed libc-devel-0.6.6-28 fails to install Gregg Young

I got this error.

[u'ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:', 'klibdbg.dll is needed by libc-devel-0.6.6-28.oc00.i686', 'kprofile.dll is needed by libc-devel-0.6.6-28.oc00.i686', u'Please report this error at']

#197 fixed libxml2-python 2.7.7-6 lacks symlink for libxml2mod.pyd Lewis Rosenthal

The package does contain libxml2m.pyd, however, when running createrepo, I get:

[j:\devel\yumie-extras\bootstrap]sh -c "createrepo q:/repo"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/@unixroot/usr/share/createrepo/", line 27, in <module>

    import libxml2
  File "/@unixroot/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 1, in <module>
    import libxml2mod
ImportError: No module named libxml2mod

Indeed, line 1 of does include libxml2mod, but this file cannot be found.

Added symlink to libxml2m.pyd, and createrepo completed without error.

Additional notes:

I recently ran a full yum replace to swap out remaining i386 and i686 packages for pentium4. This is the first time I have run createrepo since making this change, so it is possible that the previous arch I had for this included the symlink or perhaps the previous included libxml2m instead of libxml2mod.

#199 wontfix libusb1-devel-doc has unreasonable dependencies Lewis Rosenthal

Apparently, libusb1-devel-doc requires libusb1 and libusb1-devel. All I wanted was to read the documentation before deciding whether to install the package (I was looking for something specific).

It seems to me that a documentation package should not have any dependencies.

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