Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (130 - 132 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#221 fixed Add yum-plugin-replace to available yum plugins Lewis Rosenthal

yum-plugin-replace provides for swapping conflicting packages, either different ones or the same, but for different arches. Thus, it is possible to:

yum replace mysql --replace-with mysql51

without uninstalling the first package and then installing the replacement. This also works for packages which are "locked" by dependencies.


Presently, the only alternative to this is to use the yum shell to uninstall and then install, and even that is not as robust as yum-plugin-replace.

#220 fixed Provide virtual WPI to satisfy dependencies (uclip) Silvan Scherrer Lewis Rosenthal

As discussed, uclip is currently available as WPI and as RPM. Installing as RPM does not satisfy dependencies of other applications which check the WarpIN database.

Ideally, upon installing such a package via RPM, the WarpIN database will be updated to reflect the presence of the package on the system, without the user needing to install both RPM and WPI (and thereby increasing the risk of conflicts).

This ticket references uclip as that seems like a good place to start. kLIBC itself would be another critical component for this treatment.

#219 no change needed YUM fails after update to Libcx 0.4.1 David McKenna

After updating libcx to 0.4.1 (using ANPM), YUM often (but not always) fails like this:

[C:\]yum update Assertion failed: arc == NO_ERROR, file D:/Users/dmik/rpmbuild/BUILD/libcx-0.4.1 /src/shared.c, line 169

Killed by SIGABRT pid=0x00fa ppid=0x00f9 tid=0x0001 slot=0x00cb pri=0x0200 mc=0x0001 ps=0x0010 C:\USR\BIN\PYTHON2.7.EXE Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it.

ANPM shows empty repository lists (presumably because YUM LIST fails).

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