Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#190 invalid USBCALLS question muffetta66

usbcalls-20140416-1.oc00.i686.rpm: This package provide usbcalls.dll and install into @unixroot/usr/lib, which is prefer to put at the beginnig of LIBPATH statement, however also Lars provide its usbcalls.dll, stored instead into OS2\DLL: could this generate some issues for rpm/yum users?

#191 invalid python subprocess.Popen() Silvan Scherrer

for some reason subprocess.Popen() or also subprocess.check_output() don't bring the stdout back. I attached a small testcase in here.

#192 duplicate bzip2-1.0.6-5 install fails for pentium4, i686, and i386 Lewis Rosenthal

(Summary is subject to clarification).

I've been experimenting with yum-plugin-replace, and will submit a package for that handy plugin shortly. Replacing as many of my i386 packages with pentium4 packages, I ran into the following situation:

[c:\]yum replace bzip2-libs --replace-with bzip2-libs

determined that:

bzip2-libs bzip2-devel bzip2

all needed to be replaced with pentium4 builds. bzip2-libs and bzip2-devel replaced fine (as did 30+ other packages when I replaced them). bzip2 fails to install with:

Error unpacking rpm package bzip2-1.0.6-5.oc00.pentium4
error: unpacking of archive failed: cpio: read
Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction.
What is this? bzip2-1.0.6-5.oc00.pentium4
VerifyTransaction time: 0.011
Transaction time: 0.517

The same error is thrown for i686.

I can manually extract both of those packages via unrpm, have copied the contents where required, and have tested that bzip2 itself works. I have not examined the rpm to determine whether there is, in fact, any defect at all.

cpio is cpio-2.11-4.oc00.pentium4 (tried with i386 first, then replaced i386 cpio with pentium4).

Workaround is after using unrpm to extract, running:

[c:\]rpm -i --justdb bzip2-1.0.6-5.oc00.pentium4.rpm

which satisfies the db requirement, at least.

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