Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (121 - 123 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#36 invalid yum install netlabs-exp kills rsync? Yuri Dario ggamba

Hi all,

after "yum install netlabs-exp" for latest Odin version, rsync stopped working:

Killed by SIGSEGV pid=0x004a ppid=0x0049 tid=0x0001 slot=0x008b pri=0x0200 mc=0x0001 C:\ECS\BIN\RSYNC.EXE LIBC064 0:000f0242 cs:eip=005b:1f340242 ss:esp=c697:0017df02 ebp=0017df58

ds=c697 es=c697 fs=150b gs=0000 efl=00012206

eax=0000c697 ebx=0017df30 ecx=0017e504 edx=0000150b edi=0017e404 esi=0017dff0 Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it. rsync error: sibling process terminated abnormally (code 16) at main.c(1526) [generator=3.0.7]

Removing C:\usr\lib; from LIBPATH solves the problem.

#111 fixed Broken rpm setup, wrong GCC? ggamba

I have both stable and experimental repositories enabled here. This morning I was testing Yumie and, seeing that a newer version of "yum" package was available, I installed it The program reported that the update was ok. Then I selected "rpm" package and chose "Update". Unfortunately I got an "unrecoverable error" message and now nor yum or rpm work from command line. In popuplog.os2 I get lot of these errors:

02-06-2015 16:11:49 SYS2070 PID 0077 TID 0001 Slot 0094 C:\USR\BIN\RPM.EXE RPMIO->GCC1._udivdi3 127

02-06-2015 16:11:49 SYS2070 PID 0077 TID 0001 Slot 0094 C:\USR\BIN\RPM.EXE RPM->GCC1._register_frame_table 127

02-06-2015 16:11:49 SYS2070 PID 0077 TID 0001 Slot 0094 C:\USR\BIN\RPM.EXE RPMBUILD->GCC1._register_frame_table 127

I understand that probably Yumie did something wrong, and I'll report that in the appropriate place, but now I need some help to fix the above error with GCC :-)

Thanks Gabriele

#115 fixed Package intended for a noarch architecture? ggamba

Running "yum update":

--> Esecuzione del controllo di transazione
---> Package python-pycurl.pentium4 0: will be installato
--> Risoluzione delle dipendenze completata

Dipendenze risolte


 Pacchetto          Arch          Versione               Repository        Dim.

 urlgrabber         noarch        3.10.1-8.oc00          netlabs-rel      115 k
Installazioni per dipendenze:
 python-pycurl      pentium4        netlabs-rel      139 k

I confirm the update and:

Download dei pacchetti:
Running Transaction Check
Test di transazione in corso

Errore nel controllo transazione:
  package urlgrabber-3.10.1-8.oc00.noarch is intended for a noarch architecture

As you can imagine, I have "platform" file present in rpm configuration.

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