Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (118 - 120 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#241 fixed lua support in rpm dmik Silvan Scherrer

as lua is ported and available as devel as well, we should enable it in rpm. as more and more spec files need it.

#197 fixed libxml2-python 2.7.7-6 lacks symlink for libxml2mod.pyd Lewis Rosenthal

The package does contain libxml2m.pyd, however, when running createrepo, I get:

[j:\devel\yumie-extras\bootstrap]sh -c "createrepo q:/repo"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/@unixroot/usr/share/createrepo/", line 27, in <module>

    import libxml2
  File "/@unixroot/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 1, in <module>
    import libxml2mod
ImportError: No module named libxml2mod

Indeed, line 1 of does include libxml2mod, but this file cannot be found.

Added symlink to libxml2m.pyd, and createrepo completed without error.

Additional notes:

I recently ran a full yum replace to swap out remaining i386 and i686 packages for pentium4. This is the first time I have run createrepo since making this change, so it is possible that the previous arch I had for this included the symlink or perhaps the previous included libxml2m instead of libxml2mod.

#231 invalid libvpx-1.61-1 conflicts with FFmpeg Dave Yeo

Attempting to update to libvpx-1.61-1.oc00 (i686) results in this error,

[u'ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:', 'libvpx2.dll is needed by (installed) ffmpeg-libs-2.8.6-2.oc)).i686', u'Please report this error at']

as libvpx-1.61-1 contains libvpx4.dll.

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