Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (118 - 120 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#233 invalid rpmbuild-bot: Add commit command dmik

The common build cycle is rpmbuild-bot PACKAGE test followed by rpmbuild-bot PACKAGE followed by rpmbuild-bot PACKAGE upload. All steps are usually done on the same machine and the third one commits the resulting .spec file after all .RPMs are successfully uploaded.

However, there is a different scheme used by e.g. Y. Dario. He first makes a test build on his local machine, then commits the .spec file, then runs the main build and the upload command on a remote machine. Perhaps, we should add a commit command to rpmbuild-bot that just shows the .spec diff and then commits it. To have unified version checks, unified commit messages and so on. Should be trivial.

#232 fixed rpm: Auto setup macros for SCM-hosted sources dmik

Many our .spec files take sources right from SVN or GIT via a special block of commands. This code is absolutely identical for each package and just clutters space in each .spec file. It's time to make these blocks simple RPM macros.

Another reason to do that is #228 where we redefine %{version} and %{release} used in our special %setup -n statement, see for details.

#231 invalid libvpx-1.61-1 conflicts with FFmpeg Dave Yeo

Attempting to update to libvpx-1.61-1.oc00 (i686) results in this error,

[u'ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:', 'libvpx2.dll is needed by (installed) ffmpeg-libs-2.8.6-2.oc)).i686', u'Please report this error at']

as libvpx-1.61-1 contains libvpx4.dll.

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