Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#236 invalid uploading to a repo Silvan Scherrer

with the recent addition of the automatic legacy_packages creation we face now a small issue when uploading to a repo. as the created legacy packages are called the same with every new rpm build (which is perfect right of course) the upload stops because it finds the same file already. with the -f switch the upload proceeds.

#235 fixed os2-base: Add TMPDIR to CONFIG.SYS Lewis Rosenthal

Considering how many things need %TMPDIR%, we should add this and point it to %TMP%.

#234 invalid rpmbuild-bot: Add auto cleanup of old packages dmik

We should purge old packages as new ones get released — this is to avoid cluttering the repositories with outdated and unneeded RPMs. Currently we do it by hand which is very time consuming and error prone.

A better idea is to teach rpmbuild-bot to automatically move outdated packages to a trash area when newer ones for a given program are uploaded. The trash is then to be purged each few months. This approach will require to store package build logs (used as indexes to collect RPM files belonging to a single build) on the repository machine rather than locally. But that's a needed feature anyway as it will allow to e.g. move packages between repositories not only by a person who built it but by anyone who has the required access.

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