Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#19 wontfix Provide CUBE replacement Yuri Dario dmik

CUBE has a very strange interface. I don't find it logical. This makes it very hard to understand and use. Besides, it has a lot of features not needed for playing with CONFIG.SYS and on the other hand it lacks some features, in particular:

  • tracking of changes made by the package and automatic removal of them on uninstall, similar to %wps_object_delete_all.
  • automatic conversion from Unix separators to DOS separators and resolving @unixroot in paths with the (()) operator (similar to our wps-object script again).

It will be relatively easy to take wps-object.cmd as a template and make a new one for the CONFIG.SYS purposes.

#263 wontfix Provide a GUI widget reminding about a reboot dmik

There are #261 and #262 which should make RPM forbid any package install/update/remove operation if an application restart or a system reboot is pending. We should also add a nice GUI widget (e.g. the one in XCenter) that will remind the user to close the required applications or to reboot in some reasonable intervals if it's not done immediately when executing the respective YUM or RPM command that caused such a pending state.

Note that this GUI widget should be RPM frontend agnostic. I.e. it should work after both using YUM from the command line or ANPM or any other RPM frontend. That said, YUM or ANPM should of course provide their own UI for performing the requested action immediately, but if the user refuses and closes YUM/ANPM before performing it, this GUI widget should kick in.

#245 fixed Provide os2-rpm package dmik

Currently, we put all OS/2 platform specific stuff right in the RPM source tree (and binary distribution) itself. But this doesn't look correct as this stuff is highly platform-specific and RPM per se should be kept as generic as possible.

Fedora does the same by providing the redhat-rpmbuild-macros package (check

This can be rather easily implemented by putting all platform-specific macros (and scripts) to /@unixroot/etc/rpm where they are automatically picked up by RPM as it's a standard directory for searching platform-specific macros. This directory may also be used by other packages to extend RPM functionality without the need to modify RPM itself.

Current candidates for inclusion in os2-rpm-config:

  • entire platform/*-os2-*/macros tree
  • wps_* and warpin_* macros (and their respective scripts, wps-object and warping-conflicts)
  • other os2_* macros (including cube, the CONFIG.SYS processor)
  • brp-strip.os2 script
  • script

Note that when moving scripts to /etc/rpm, their path in macros should be updated accordingly.

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