Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#109 fixed usbcalls, usbcalls-debug, and usbcalls-devel are obsolete Lewis Rosenthal

The above packages should probably be removed from the repository. According to David, usbcalls is tightly integrated with usbresmgr.sys, both of which have undergone considerable changes since the release of these packages. Likewise, the need for usbcalls-devel will be obviated by release 11.10 of the Arca Noae USB stack package, which is to include usbcalls.lib, header files needed for building apps that access USB devices, and a sample program.

If there is need for an rpm of usbcalls-devel, perhaps we can repackage some of the content from the Arca Noae release and either include it in Arca Noae's (upcoming) yum repo or put it back here, and keep it updated. There are lots of changes going on in the USB code these days.

#110 fixed corrupted Steven Levine

appears to be a bad upload. Unzip -t fails.

#111 fixed Broken rpm setup, wrong GCC? ggamba

I have both stable and experimental repositories enabled here. This morning I was testing Yumie and, seeing that a newer version of "yum" package was available, I installed it The program reported that the update was ok. Then I selected "rpm" package and chose "Update". Unfortunately I got an "unrecoverable error" message and now nor yum or rpm work from command line. In popuplog.os2 I get lot of these errors:

02-06-2015 16:11:49 SYS2070 PID 0077 TID 0001 Slot 0094 C:\USR\BIN\RPM.EXE RPMIO->GCC1._udivdi3 127

02-06-2015 16:11:49 SYS2070 PID 0077 TID 0001 Slot 0094 C:\USR\BIN\RPM.EXE RPM->GCC1._register_frame_table 127

02-06-2015 16:11:49 SYS2070 PID 0077 TID 0001 Slot 0094 C:\USR\BIN\RPM.EXE RPMBUILD->GCC1._register_frame_table 127

I understand that probably Yumie did something wrong, and I'll report that in the appropriate place, but now I need some help to fix the above error with GCC :-)

Thanks Gabriele

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