Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#47 invalid pdftops does not work: can not print pdfs Elmar Stellnberger

Trying to print a rexx manual with cups I get the following error: job stopped: pdftops program could not be executed.

#337 fixed os2tk45 packages should be in the Development group and not System Environment/Libraries Lewis Rosenthal

Yes, this is trivial!

It has come to our attention that some of our ANPM users actually do use the Group filter and are unable to locate all Development tools, namely the OS/2 Toolkit (which we cannot distribute with ArcaOS).

If this toolkit is to remain available as a set of RPMs, it would seem to make sense to move it to a more logical group, namely, Development (that word is in the description of every package in the set).

#112 fixed os2.lib is missing SafeWinUpper symbol Dave Yeo

Building SeaMonkey? dies with

weakld: error: Unresolved symbol (UNDEF) 'SafeWinUpper'.
weakld: info: The symbol is referenced by:
Ignoring unresolved externals reported from weak prelinker.
make[4]: *** [xul.dll] Error 1

Examination shows that the official libc066 release of os2.lib contains the symbol but it is missing in the rpm release of os2.lib

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