Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#171 invalid python/yum doesn't find module site josch

I started the Arca Noae Package Manager. The package list was empty. I tried yum list on console. It comes up with: "ImportError?: No module named site"

I tried starting Python without parameters. The same message appears. The files are in /usr/lib/python2.7.

What's the problem?

#332 fixed libiconv-static refer to libiconv-devel even though there is none jep

Is there a devel package of libiconv?

The swedish original error message as displayed by ANPM

[u'FEL med transaktionskontroll mot depsolve:', 'libiconv-devel = 1.15-1.oc00 beh\x94vs av libiconv-static-1.15-1.oc00.i686', u'Rapportera g\xe4rna detta fel till']

or plain YUM (translated to english by hand)

Error: Package: libiconv-static-1.15-1.oc00.i686 (netlabs-rel)

Need: libiconv-devel = 1.15-1.oc00

#24 worksforme broken installation if klibcpathrewriter is active during installation Yuri Dario herwigb

If the klibcpathrewriter is active during rpm/yum installation, the resulting setup is severely broken, because during installation stuff is put into %UNIXROOT%\etc which is expected to be in %ETC% (where \etc is rewritten by klibcpathrewriter) later.

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