Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#248 fixed python spec Silvan Scherrer

we need to add

Requires: python-rpm-macros
Requires: python2-rpm-macros

to the python-devel rpm, as else a lot newer python rpm will not be buidable out of the box. As those need the macros installed.

We should also move


from python-test to python-libs like in the current fedora package. As it makes absolute no sense to install the big -test rpm just for the unittest

#247 no change needed rpm: Add %download_sources macro dmik

This is a long waited feature: automatically download sources whose URL is fully given. In particular, this is useful to build CPAN perl modules (Fedora refers to them by full URL to the source tarball). Other places where it may be useful is libc.spec that depends on archives with binaries which can't be versioned etc.

The resulting macro will go to the os2-rpm-build RPM.

#246 fixed rpm: Fix symlinks to executables dmik

There are many broken symlinks (e.g. /@unixroot/usr/bin/rpmquery, /@unixroot/usr/lib/rpm/rpmdb_archive etc). These symlinks point to executables but lack .exe in the link's target, see for more details

Note that some links, besides lacking .exe in targets, also refer to a /@unixroot/bin/ (via ../../bin like in case of /@unixroot/usr/bin/rpmquery) but /@unixroot/bin is dropped long ago so they should be fixed to point to /@unixroot/usr/bin instead (in this case it should be ../../usr/bin).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.