Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#333 fixed rpm 4.13.0 does not accept backslashes in paths Lewis Rosenthal

It seems that when installing a package which is not in the current directory, rpm requires slashes as path separators, which is not very OS/2-friendly.


[C:\] rpm -i --replacepkgs c:\var\temp\myshinynew.rpm <Enter>
error: open of c:vartempmyshinynew.rpm failed: No such file or directory

Using slashes works as expected.

Downstream ticket reference:

#336 fixed warpin-conflicts throws spurious error during package reinstall for dummy WarpIN entries Lewis Rosenthal

Packages which utilize wpi4rpm cannot be cleanly reinstalled, as warpin-conflicts throws an error that the WarpIN package should be uninstalled.


Reinstall DrCtl, and the above warning is thrown, however, the entry is a dummy entry which we make during the RPM install.

Suggest we check for rpmdummy as a filename in the db and ignore the package entry if present.

#337 fixed os2tk45 packages should be in the Development group and not System Environment/Libraries Lewis Rosenthal

Yes, this is trivial!

It has come to our attention that some of our ANPM users actually do use the Group filter and are unable to locate all Development tools, namely the OS/2 Toolkit (which we cannot distribute with ArcaOS).

If this toolkit is to remain available as a set of RPMs, it would seem to make sense to move it to a more logical group, namely, Development (that word is in the description of every package in the set).

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