Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#191 invalid python subprocess.Popen() Silvan Scherrer

for some reason subprocess.Popen() or also subprocess.check_output() don't bring the stdout back. I attached a small testcase in here.

#248 fixed python spec Silvan Scherrer

we need to add

Requires: python-rpm-macros
Requires: python2-rpm-macros

to the python-devel rpm, as else a lot newer python rpm will not be buidable out of the box. As those need the macros installed.

We should also move


from python-test to python-libs like in the current fedora package. As it makes absolute no sense to install the big -test rpm just for the unittest

#326 fixed python interactive help does not do CR/NL line endings. Steven Levine

The python interactive mode help facility do not generate CR/NL line endings.

To reproduce, start with

python -i

From the python command line, enter


to request base64 module help.

The output will be paged, but with NL line endings rather than CR/NL line endings.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.