Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#32 invalid LIBC PANIC!! when installing clamav Yuri Dario Andib

Maybe someone have a clue about the problem I encountered while installing clamav.i386 (yum install clamav.i386)

Führe Verarbeitungstest durch
Verarbeitungstest erfolgreich
Führe Verarbeitung durch
  Aktualisieren  : libc-0.6.4-11.oc00.i386                                  1/7
  Aktualisieren  : libc-devel-0.6.4-11.oc00.i386                            2/7
  Installieren   : clamav-data-0.97.2-5.oc00.i386                           3/7
warning: user %username does not exist - using root
warning: group %username does not exist - using root
warning: user %username does not exist - using root
warning: group %username does not exist - using root
  Installieren   : clamav-lib-0.97.2-5.oc00.i386                            4/7
P:\var\cache\rpm\wps\objects.90606.tmp -> P:\var\cache\rpm\wps\objects
     1 file renamed
P:\var\cache\rpm\wps\packages\clamav-lib.48706.tmp -> P:\var\cache\rpm\wps\packag
     1 file renamed
  Installieren   : clamav-0.97.2-5.oc00.i386                                5/7
P:\var\cache\rpm\wps\objects.00656.tmp -> P:\var\cache\rpm\wps\objects
     1 file renamed
P:\var\cache\rpm\wps\packages\clamav.65181.tmp -> P:\var\cache\rpm\wps\packages\c
     1 file renamed
  Aufräumen      : libc-0.6.3-7.oc00.i386                                   6/7
  Aufräumen      : libc-devel-0.6.3-7.oc00.i386                             7/7
clamav-data-0.97.2-5.oc00.i386 was supposed to be installed but is not!
libc-devel-0.6.4-11.oc00.i386 was supposed to be installed but is not!
libc-0.6.4-11.oc00.i386 was supposed to be installed but is not!
clamav-lib-0.97.2-5.oc00.i386 was supposed to be installed but is not!
clamav-0.97.2-5.oc00.i386 was supposed to be installed but is not!

_um_free_maybe_lock: Tried to free block twice - block=013ac688 lock=0x1
pid=0x007b ppid=0x007a tid=0x0001 slot=0x00b8 pri=0x0200 mc=0x0000
Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it.

ClamAV 0.97.2 object was created at desktop which holds a RedMe?.txt reference only. Not sure if there should be more. clamscan works

#36 invalid yum install netlabs-exp kills rsync? Yuri Dario ggamba

Hi all,

after "yum install netlabs-exp" for latest Odin version, rsync stopped working:

Killed by SIGSEGV pid=0x004a ppid=0x0049 tid=0x0001 slot=0x008b pri=0x0200 mc=0x0001 C:\ECS\BIN\RSYNC.EXE LIBC064 0:000f0242 cs:eip=005b:1f340242 ss:esp=c697:0017df02 ebp=0017df58

ds=c697 es=c697 fs=150b gs=0000 efl=00012206

eax=0000c697 ebx=0017df30 ecx=0017e504 edx=0000150b edi=0017e404 esi=0017dff0 Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it. rsync error: sibling process terminated abnormally (code 16) at main.c(1526) [generator=3.0.7]

Removing C:\usr\lib; from LIBPATH solves the problem.

#46 invalid installation script of cups-base-1_4_8.wpi uses wrong LIBPATH Elmar Stellnberger

cups-base-1_4_8.wpi always tries to search for dlls in the first line of config.sys that contains the word LIBPATH= even if it is a line commented out with rem. I have corrected the issue by adding the following line 2 to the installation script:

1: DO i = 1 TO match.0 2: IF left(strip(match.i),length('LIBPATH='))=='LIBPATH=' THEN DO 3: PARSE UPPER VAR match.i 'LIBPATH=' _lpath 4: IF _lpath <> THEN LEAVE 5: END 6: END

Futhermore I had to crop the optional package dependency with no 99 (error message: invalid package dep. no or similar)

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