Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#81 git-all RPM package fails to install due to dependency resolution failure defect major rpm
#132 Yum gives error message after last packet installation defect Feedback Pending yum
#83 The base64.exe tool from coreutils RPM package is broken: base64 decoding doesn't work defect major rpm
#87 The ash RPM package doesn't actually contain any ash defect major rpm
#80 The Perl RPM package doesn't actually contain any Perl defect major rpm
#84 Our bash port is broken, and doesn't work with the RPM/YUM environment properly defect major rpm
#86 Our bash port is broken #2: it doesn't know anything about /@unixroot/ defect major rpm
#82 A conflict between RPM packages libmpc3 and mpc-devel: both cannot be installed at the same time defect major rpm
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