Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 344)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#109 Lewis Rosenthal fixed usbcalls, usbcalls-debug, and usbcalls-devel are obsolete

The above packages should probably be removed from the repository. According to David, usbcalls is tightly integrated with usbresmgr.sys, both of which have undergone considerable changes since the release of these packages. Likewise, the need for usbcalls-devel will be obviated by release 11.10 of the Arca Noae USB stack package, which is to include usbcalls.lib, header files needed for building apps that access USB devices, and a sample program.

If there is need for an rpm of usbcalls-devel, perhaps we can repackage some of the content from the Arca Noae release and either include it in Arca Noae's (upcoming) yum repo or put it back here, and keep it updated. There are lots of changes going on in the USB code these days.

#112 Dave Yeo fixed os2.lib is missing SafeWinUpper symbol

Building SeaMonkey? dies with

weakld: error: Unresolved symbol (UNDEF) 'SafeWinUpper'.
weakld: info: The symbol is referenced by:
Ignoring unresolved externals reported from weak prelinker.
make[4]: *** [xul.dll] Error 1

Examination shows that the official libc066 release of os2.lib contains the symbol but it is missing in the rpm release of os2.lib

#115 ggamba fixed Package intended for a noarch architecture?

Running "yum update":

--> Esecuzione del controllo di transazione
---> Package python-pycurl.pentium4 0: will be installato
--> Risoluzione delle dipendenze completata

Dipendenze risolte


 Pacchetto          Arch          Versione               Repository        Dim.

 urlgrabber         noarch        3.10.1-8.oc00          netlabs-rel      115 k
Installazioni per dipendenze:
 python-pycurl      pentium4        netlabs-rel      139 k

I confirm the update and:

Download dei pacchetti:
Running Transaction Check
Test di transazione in corso

Errore nel controllo transazione:
  package urlgrabber-3.10.1-8.oc00.noarch is intended for a noarch architecture

As you can imagine, I have "platform" file present in rpm configuration.

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