Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 344)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#237 Dave Yeo wontfix Use an OS/2 friendly version of which.exe

The which that RPM installs is pretty basic and can only search for executables. There are OS/2 ports such as or, source included (Hobbes) which can search for much more, eg

which (v2.1.4, 2002.06.26) for OS/2, from Newtware                         8:2

Usage:  which.exe [options] [cmd ... ]

    (default behavior is to find location of program executed as "cmd")
    -1  show the first match from all cmd args; display nothing if not found
    -a  list all matches (With -1, list all first matches of cmd args)
    -b  search directories in BOOKSHELF for book (.inf and .pdf) files
    -d  search directories in DPATH for data files
    -e  search directories in a given env var; Example: -e EPMPATH
    -h  search directories in HELP for help (.hlp) files
    -l  search directories in LIBPATH (BEGIN/ENDLIBPATH) for DLLs, LIBs, As
    -i  search directories in C_INCLUDE_PATH for header (.h) files
    -q  quiet mode (only returns error code without onscreen messages)
    -s  show file date/time and size
    -u  revert to OS/2 style '\' dir separator (default is now Unix style '/')

   cmd  name to be searched (wildcards can be used)

Examples:   -las emx*
           which.exe -las foo*.bar  (override the default extension)
#256 WAS2013 fixed os2-base Update Failure

Using ANPM to try to update os1-base, on an ArcaOS installation, yielded the following error message:

[u'ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:', 'rpm >= 4.13.0-16 is needed by os2-rpm-0-2.oc00.noarch', u'Please report this error at']

#271 Alex Taylor no change needed PREUN error in autoconf-2.69-4.oc00.noarch

Installing this package produces the error message: Error in PREUN scriptlet in rpm package autoconf-2.69-4.oc00.noarch

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.