Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 344)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#205 Lewis Rosenthal fixed less-481-3 is in stable repo, but has requires of libcx newer than 0.2.1

less requires libcx 0.3.1, which is in netlabs-exp. less will install from netlabs-rel and not complain about the downlevel libcx, however, it will not run.

Suggest moving libcx 0.3.1 (too soon?) to netlabs-rel and changing dependencies in spec for less. As it is, those without netlabs-exp may install less and it will not work.

#226 Lewis Rosenthal fixed wpi4rpm needs better error handling for commandline options

This discovery was quite by accident. I wanted to get a reminder of the command line syntax, so I entered:

wpi4rpm /?

What I got back was:

{0}[d:\] wpi4rpm /?
wpi4rpm: Mode = "/?"
    27 +++       pRApp = substr(arguments, length(Mode) + 2, length(arguments) -
 ( length(Mode) + 1) - ( length(cversion) + 1 ) );
REX0040: Error 40 running C:\USR\BIN\wpi4rpm.exe, line 27: Incorrect call to

I have confirmed this under CMD as well as 4OS2 (because I know the latter can do some funny things with compiled REXX). (Similarly, -?, /h, -h return as apparently invalid.)

BTW, is this the proper place for these tickets, Herwig, or should wpi4rpm be added as a project under vxapps?

#236 Silvan Scherrer invalid uploading to a repo

with the recent addition of the automatic legacy_packages creation we face now a small issue when uploading to a repo. as the created legacy packages are called the same with every new rpm build (which is perfect right of course) the upload stops because it finds the same file already. with the -f switch the upload proceeds.

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