Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 344)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#130 Silvan Scherrer invalid YUM temp files not deleted

Since the yum update beginning February I see files beginning with yum_save_tx- in my %tmp% dir. I guess those should be deleted after a successful yum command.

#152 muffetta66 fixed LIBC PANIC!! updating Python

I got the error in attach updating python to python-2.7.6-12.oc00.i686. Always worked right since now. After ctrl-c, the message has gone and it says there are no more packages to update, inside C:\usr\bin latest files are:

python.dbg | 3.855│12/12/15│ 2:17 python.exe │ 1.050│12/12/15│ 2:17 python2.7.dbg │ 3.855│12/12/15│ 2:17 python2.7.exe │ 1.050│12/12/15│ 2:17 │ 6.714│12/12/15│ 2:17 │ 22.764│12/12/15│ 2:17 python │ 5.411│12/12/15│ 2:17 python-config │ 14│12/12/15│ 2:17 python2-config │ 16│12/12/15│ 2:17 python2.exe │ 13│12/12/15│ 2:17 python2.7-config │ 1.860│12/12/15│ 2:17

Has the installer right ended its work?

#153 Silvan Scherrer no change needed fonts spec

When we have released the new fontconfig package, we also need to update urw-fonts.spec and ghostscript-fonts.spec. so that those fonts are also cached and used. the question is also are those fonts registered and known to the system at all?

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