1 | # Note: this .spec is borrowed from libtool-2.4.2-21.fc20.src.rpm
2 |
3 | %global gcc_version 4.7.3
4 |
5 | Summary: The GNU Portable Library Tool
6 | Name: libtool
7 | Version: 2.4.2
8 | Release: 2%{?dist}
9 | License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and GFDL
10 | URL: http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/
11 | Group: Development/Tools
12 |
13 | #Source: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libtool/libtool-%{version}.tar.xz
14 |
15 | %define svn_url http://svn.netlabs.org/repos/ports/libtool/trunk
16 | %define svn_rev 842
17 |
18 | Source: %{name}-%{version}-r%{svn_rev}.zip
19 |
20 | BuildRequires: gcc make subversion
21 |
22 | #Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
23 | #Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info
24 |
25 | BuildRequires: autoconf, automake
26 | #BuildRequires: texinfo
27 | Requires: autoconf, automake, sed, tar
28 |
29 | # make sure we can configure all supported langs
30 | #BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel, gcc-gfortran
31 |
32 | # /usr/bin/libtool includes paths within gcc's versioned directories
33 | # Libtool must be rebuilt whenever a new upstream gcc is built
34 | Requires: gcc >= %{gcc_version}
35 | Requires: gcc <= %{gcc_version}.999
36 |
37 | %description
38 | GNU Libtool is a set of shell scripts which automatically configure UNIX and
39 | UNIX-like systems to generically build shared libraries. Libtool provides a
40 | consistent, portable interface which simplifies the process of using shared
41 | libraries.
42 |
43 | If you are developing programs which will use shared libraries, but do not use
44 | the rest of the GNU Autotools (such as GNU Autoconf and GNU Automake), you
45 | should install the libtool package.
46 |
47 | The libtool package also includes all files needed to integrate the GNU
48 | Portable Library Tool (libtool) and the GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader
49 | (ltdl) into a package built using the GNU Autotools (including GNU Autoconf
50 | and GNU Automake).
51 |
52 | %package ltdl
53 | Summary: Runtime libraries for GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader
54 | Group: System Environment/Libraries
55 | Provides: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
56 | License: LGPLv2+
57 |
58 | %description ltdl
59 | The libtool-ltdl package contains the GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader, a
60 | library that provides a consistent, portable interface which simplifies the
61 | process of using dynamic modules.
62 |
63 | These runtime libraries are needed by programs that link directly to the
64 | system-installed ltdl libraries; they are not needed by software built using
65 | the rest of the GNU Autotools (including GNU Autoconf and GNU Automake).
66 |
67 | %package ltdl-devel
68 | Summary: Tools needed for development using the GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader
69 | Group: Development/Libraries
70 | Requires: %{name}-ltdl = %{version}-%{release}
71 | License: LGPLv2+
72 |
73 | %description ltdl-devel
74 | Static libraries and header files for development with ltdl.
75 |
76 | %prep
77 | %if %(sh -c 'if test -f "%{_sourcedir}/%{name}-%{version}-r%{svn_rev}.zip" ; then echo 1 ; else echo 0 ; fi')
78 | %setup -q
79 | %else
80 | %setup -n "%{name}-%{version}" -Tc
81 | svn export -r %{svn_rev} %{svn_url} . --force
82 | rm -f "%{_sourcedir}/%{name}-%{version}-r%{svn_rev}.zip"
83 | (cd .. && zip -SrX9 "%{_sourcedir}/%{name}-%{version}-r%{svn_rev}.zip" "%{name}-%{version}")
84 | %endif
85 |
86 | # make sure configure is updated to properly support OS/2
87 | bootstrap
88 |
89 | %build
90 |
91 | # we don't have makeinfo/help2man yet; fake it (this will keep the old docs)
92 | export MAKEINFO=:
93 | export HELP2MAN=:
94 |
95 | %configure --prefix=%{_prefix} \
96 | --exec-prefix=%{_prefix} \
97 | --bindir=%{_bindir} \
98 | --sbindir=%{_sbindir} \
99 | --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \
100 | --datadir=%{_datadir} \
101 | --includedir=%{_includedir} \
102 | --libdir=%{_libdir} \
103 | --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \
104 | --localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \
105 | --mandir=%{_mandir} \
106 | --infodir=%{_infodir}
107 |
108 | ## build not smp safe:
109 | make # %%{?_smp_mflags}
110 |
111 | #for i in ChangeLog.1997 ChangeLog.1998 ChangeLog.1999 ChangeLog.2002; do
112 | # iconv -f ISO_8859-15 -t UTF8 $i > $i.tmp
113 | # mv -f $i.tmp $i
114 | #done
115 |
116 | #%check
117 | #make check VERBOSE=yes
118 |
119 | %install
120 | rm -rf ${buildroot}
121 | make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
122 |
123 | # info's TOP dir (by default owned by info)
124 | rm -f %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/dir
125 | # *.la *.a files generated by libtool shouldn't be distributed (and the
126 | # `./configure --disable-static' breaks testsuite)
127 | rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libltdl.la
128 | rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/ltdl.a
129 |
130 | #%post
131 | #/sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/libtool.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir || :
132 |
133 | %preun
134 | if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
135 | /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/libtool.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir || :
136 | fi
137 |
138 | %files
139 | %defattr(-,root,root)
141 | #%{_infodir}/libtool.info*.gz
142 | %{_mandir}/man1/libtool.1*
143 | %{_mandir}/man1/libtoolize.1*
144 | %{_bindir}/libtool
145 | %{_bindir}/libtoolize
146 | %{_datadir}/aclocal/*.m4
147 | %exclude %{_datadir}/libtool/libltdl
148 | %{_datadir}/libtool
149 |
150 | %files ltdl
151 | %defattr(-,root,root)
152 | %doc libltdl/COPYING.LIB
153 | %{_libdir}/ltdl*.dll
154 |
155 | %files ltdl-devel
156 | %defattr(-,root,root)
157 | %doc libltdl/README
158 | %{_datadir}/libtool/libltdl
159 | %{_includedir}/ltdl.h
160 | %{_includedir}/libltdl
161 | # Import libraries must be in -devel subpackage
162 | %{_libdir}/ltdl*_dll.a
163 |
164 | %changelog
165 | * Mon Sep 1 2014 Dmitriy Kuminov <coding@dmik.org> 2.4.2-2
166 | - Fix PATH_SEPARATOR detection in libtoolize.
167 |
168 | * Sun Aug 31 2014 Dmitriy Kuminov <coding@dmik.org> 2.4.2-1
169 | - Initial package for version 2.4.2.