Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (25 - 27 of 121)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9 wontfix Is there a 0.11 port in the works? dmik guest

I have a jabber server that does not work with the current build of PSi/2 because it requires support that seems to have only been added in 0.11. The server is openfire 3.3.2 and has been set up to require SSL encryption on port 5222 using a starttls command. This works in 0.11 using the following set of options in Account Setup

Account Jabber ID: username@… Password: changeit

Connection: Connection Proxy : none Compress traffic (if possible) is OFF Send keepalive packets is ON Manually specify Server Host/Port? is OFF Encrypt connection: When Available Ignore SSL warnings is OFF Probe legacy SSL port is OFF Allow plaintext authentication over encrypted connection

#66 wontfix Juffed hangs after search and save estellnb

by executing the following commands I have a reproducible WPS-hang which can only be resolved by terminating JuffEd? (eCs 2.2):

  • [f:\apps\juffed]juffed.exe h:InstallUpdate.html
  • change Charset to UTF-8
  • search for "usbhcd"; double click on the result
  • change something
  • save the results

just opening a document; setting the charset to utf-8 and saving does not hang juffed; CPU usage remains at 100% when the hang occurs.

#36 wontfix Kludget Engine martini

Hi Elbert

I will like to request if you can take a look at Kludget Widget engine and try to port it to OS/2-eCS.


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