Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 121)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#101 fixed BeeBEEP use an improper icon muffetta66

BeeBEEP hangs WPS opening folder after unzipping the package due to an improper icon which stores wrong EAs data.

#102 fixed BeeBEEP tray icon muffetta66

BeeBEEP 0.9.9 "Close to tray icon" function works only once:

  • setting it and close the main window to system tray;
  • click on systray icon once to show main window, close it again;
  • the second click hangs eCenter/XCenter.

Tested on more than a eCS system and OS/2 Warp.

#103 not a bug QPDFVIEW and CUPS Anchieri

I was unable to print *.PDF files using Cups 148 with the last two version of QPDFVIEW version 14 and 15 because I receive this message: pdftops.exe filter failed. I can print the same *.PDF files using CUPS 148 with the old LUCIDE. Before installing the version 14 and 15 of QPDFVIEW I have update poppler to the last version using YUM. Is poppler in error?

  1. M. Anchieri
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