Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 121)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#66 wontfix Juffed hangs after search and save estellnb

by executing the following commands I have a reproducible WPS-hang which can only be resolved by terminating JuffEd? (eCs 2.2):

  • [f:\apps\juffed]juffed.exe h:InstallUpdate.html
  • change Charset to UTF-8
  • search for "usbhcd"; double click on the result
  • change something
  • save the results

just opening a document; setting the charset to utf-8 and saving does not hang juffed; CPU usage remains at 100% when the hang occurs.

#80 wontfix No plugin support in qupzilla? losepete


Qupzilla has a setting "Allow netscape plugins" but seems to ignore the Flash plugin completely when copies of npflos2.dll and npswf32.dll are placed in either \Programs\qupzilla\plugins or \Programs\qupzilla

Attempting to play videos on youtube results in a blank black screen with the text:- "The Adobe Flash Player or an HTML5 supported browser is required for video playback."

So, looks like it is not very html5 capable either...

Is there some trick to getting Flash to work or are plugins not yet working?



#91 wontfix Quassel not closing vio window on exit guzzi

After closing Quasselthe vio window stays open. In session>properties of the desktop object close window on exit is marked.

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