Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 121)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#126 fixed QPDFView fails to start losepete

Seems qpdfview 4.15 has to find CUPS.DLL installed before it will even start.

This is a problem as I have CUPS installed from zip files and there is no CUPS.DLL file involved - there is a CUPS20.DLL instead.

No, I will not be trying qpdfview 4.17-6beta2 as that actually wants to download and install the rpm CUPS packages which are simply not required.

So, qpdfviewer needs to be a little reworked to accept the CUPS20.DLL supplied in the CUPS2.x zip releases.

#49 fixed QPDFView - Folders in root of boot drive Silvan Scherrer dgbisse

I have installed QPDFView 4.0, and find the .config and .local folders in the root of my boot drive. I would assume that they should be in the %HOME% directory structure (W:\HOME\DEFAULT on my system).

#61 fixed QPDFVIEW: Cannot load PDF plug-in Silvan Scherrer Leo123

Trying to open a pdf-file I get a window: Critical; Could not load PDF plug-in[[BR]]

Qpdfview 0.4.3 GA

PMDLL.EXE tells me that all required dll's can be loaded

eCS 2.2 beta with everything installed as per install.os2

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