Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 121)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#56 invalid QPDFView: Annotations are lost Silvan Scherrer herwigb

Adding an annotation to a PDF is possible, however saving it does not work

#48 fixed QPDFView: Adding a remoark not possisble Batchheizer

In QPDFView 0.4.0 I am not able to add a remark (?) (Hotkey Ctrl.+A) to a PDF. In earlier version this was possible. Any idea?

#85 not a bug QPDFView version Anchieri

I want print PDF files using my CUPS version 1.4.8 that function perfectly with Lucide, but using this version of QPDFVIEW I can print all page but last. It's impossible to print the last page of a PDF because I receive this message:

Unknown stopped "/cups/lib/cups/filter/pdftops.exe failed"

I have to use Lucide to print last page of PDF files. The printer that I use is: HP PSC All in One.

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