Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 121)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#41 infinity fixed psi 0.15 - "qcatls2.dll is not a valid Qt plugin"

Installed 0.15 - upgrade from 0.10 worked fine - just the security plugin does not want to load

Diagnostic says:

qcatls2.dll: failed to load: The file 'G:/PSI/crypto/qcatls2.dll' is not a valid Qt plugin.

#43 Silvan Scherrer andib fixed qpdfview - standard accelerators

Any chance to add the standard pdf viewer accelerators

<CTRL> <+> - zoom in <CTRL> <-> - zoom out <CTRL> <SHFT> <+> - rotate right <CTRL> <SHFT> <-> - rotate left <CTRL> <G> - search next

#49 Silvan Scherrer dgbisse fixed QPDFView - Folders in root of boot drive

I have installed QPDFView 4.0, and find the .config and .local folders in the root of my boot drive. I would assume that they should be in the %HOME% directory structure (W:\HOME\DEFAULT on my system).

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