Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 121)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#101 muffetta66 fixed BeeBEEP use an improper icon

BeeBEEP hangs WPS opening folder after unzipping the package due to an improper icon which stores wrong EAs data.

#114 ak120 no response QEdit 2.7.1 contains Windows Icon

The file is in Windows ICO format, not usable with OS/2.

#38 Joop invalid Qgoogletranslate stays in memory when exit via window cross

When Qgoogletranslate, version 0.2b7 is ended via the menu then things are going as it should be. However if you exit the program with the cross in the window cornet then Qgoogletranslate disappear from screen and menu/taskbar, but stays in memory.

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