Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 121)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#23 ak120 wontfix - documentation folder?

Baires Documentation from local "documentation"-folder isn't used by choosing "online help" from help menu. Standard WWW-Browser with URL opens.

#27 guzzi fixed Luckybackup file selection problem / libc64 problem

1) Rsync does not work properly with the libc063 forwarder dll from the libc064 package. It exits abnormally. Replacing the forwarder with the original libc063 and it works fine. Nit a luckybackup / rsynck defect, but should be added to the readme.os2

2) excluding files in the task selection does not work. Task properties > advanced > exclude > user defined > pink/white button for file selection > specific file > blue button for file selectie > select via file dialog see LBFS2.jpg the error is in LBFS4.jpg. When I manually enter a path (LBFS1.jpg the error will be: see LBFS3.jpg

#32 BlondeGuy duplicate smplayer does not start due to missing stdcpp.dll

I installed latest GCCLIB446 and LIBC064, but still no joy. What do I need to install?

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