Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 121)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#65 ak120 duplicate ClipGrab

Some keyboard input is invisible (no display) at Search Input field - at least german umlauts (ÄÖÜß) and §.

btw: everytime when starting a webbrowser pops up trying to perform an update.

#66 estellnb wontfix Juffed hangs after search and save

by executing the following commands I have a reproducible WPS-hang which can only be resolved by terminating JuffEd? (eCs 2.2):

  • [f:\apps\juffed]juffed.exe h:InstallUpdate.html
  • change Charset to UTF-8
  • search for "usbhcd"; double click on the result
  • change something
  • save the results

just opening a document; setting the charset to utf-8 and saving does not hang juffed; CPU usage remains at 100% when the hang occurs.

#67 ak120 no response biblioteq 6.66

Unfortunately, this version is even worse than the previous one. Download of pictures for book covers (from amazon) no longer works. But the biggest problem is still existing: the created temporary files (%TEMP%\etilqs_*)became not deleted after terminating the program. Only opening a database creates here 130 MB of files. A second run of the programm and only adding an entry (no graphical files) - I should mention the poor performance while saving - leads to almost 600 MB, that didn't deleted. So it grows to more and more gigabytes until the harddisk is full and the system is hanging in the end.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.