Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#217 fixed QMake delivers mixed separators rudi

"QMAKE -query" reports the value of QMAKE_MKSPECS with mixed forward and backward slashes. We should either use the one or the other. Not both.

#218 fixed Missing QFont::handle() body Dmitry A. Kuminov

Yuri has just found out (when building pythonqt) that we miss the body of the QFont::handle() funciton. This function is really not used by any of the ported applications or by Qt itself and pythonqt references it just because it creates wrappers for all methods it finds in .h files.

Nevertheless, we should provide a body for it to be in line with other platforms.

#219 fixed Fix path separator when building qdoc3 rudi

The rule to make sub-qdoc3 contains a forward slash that causes the the build process t fail. Possible fix attached.

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