Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#160 fixed Assistant not drawing correctly on startup (direct frame bufffer mode only) rudi

When using direct frame buffer access, QtAssistant? doesn't paint it's window correctly right after startup. The window must be manually resized in order to correct this. I observe this behavior only with Assistant. Linguist and Designer start up as expected.

#161 fixed QWidget and WS_CLIPCHILDREN KO Myung-Hun


Does QWidget honor WS_CLIPCHILDREN ?

I attached a child window to a QWidget and the window style of QWidget was modified to include WS_CLIPCHILDREN. Nevertheless, QWidget paints over the child window.

#162 fixed Deadlock of QMutex when quitting VLC KO Myung-Hun


When using debug build of Qt 4.6.2(r744), the following messages are displayed on quitting VLC.

QMutex::lock: Deadlock detected in thread 9
QMutexPrivate::QMutexPrivate: DosCloseEventSem returned 301

BTW, that thread was not created by VLC. That is, it's in Qt4 internal.

And I suspect that this is the cause of blocking VLC when trying to play a second movie using embedded video mode which is being implemented.

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