Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#154 fixed Floating point exception in various scenarios rudi

The exception happens in qdtoa().

In src\corelib\qlocale.cpp, lines 6776 and 6796 we have to enable the same workaround as in Windows.

#153 wontfix Remove the need of GCC422.DLL rudi

The option "-static-libgcc" applied to the link step seems to do the trick and prevents the users from having to hunt for another DLL.

#152 fixed Apply performance options rudi

Since we need to use any piece of performance we can get and we don't have to support i386 CPUs, I suggest to let qmake generate the compiler options (for GCC4.x):

-march=i486 -mtune=generic

Don't expect wonders from that, but a small speed gain can be measured. The down side is, that the created code grows a bit in size.

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