Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (142 - 144 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#166 fixed Arora web browser cannot locate to existing instance rudi

The Arora web browser is using local IPC to detect if it is already running and to pass command line arguments along. This will fail on OS/2.

The reason for that is that OS/2's TCP/IP does not fully support the PF_UNIX protocol family. Thus the implementation of QLocalServer and QLocalSocket does not work.

The suggested fix is basically a combination of the mechanism used under Windows (pipes) with the name syntax required by OS/2's TCP/IP (

#165 fixed Entry input fields in Webkit don't accept some characters Silvan Scherrer

in apps using the WebKit? it's not possible to enter some characters.

how to reproduce: open the Qt Demo Browser and to to now in the searchfield enter the character @ this character is not visible

tested on a system with a swissgerman keyboard layout and lang set to de_CH. i also tryed lang en_US but still the same.

#164 wontfix File open dialog not sorting by name rudi

Not sure if this os OS/2 specific, but I have here a few examples where the file open dialog is not sorting the files as it should. See screenshot...

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