Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#175 fixed Fix WebKit useragent string rudi

Currently our WebKit? identifies itself as:

Mozilla/5.0 (Unknown; U; OS/2; en-US)  ....

We should use the same semantics for platform and subplatform as Firefox does:

Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5; en-US; rv: ....

It's located file src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qwebpage.cpp. We might need some way to determine the OS version.

#176 fixed Extremly poor performance of QDirIterator rudi

Certain file operations (like populating a file dialog from a directory containing a lot of files or expiring a QNetworkDiskCache) take *AGES*. Especially when the underlying file system doesn't have good caching capabilities.

The following code:

    QDirIterator it("some_path");

    while (it.hasNext()) {
        QString path =;

takes on a directory (HPFS) containing 3800 files about 50 seconds (!) to complete, while an opendir/readdir - loop finishes in 2..3 secs. On JFS the performance is better, but not great as well.


#177 fixed QProcess::startDetached() fails to pass arguments rudi

In some cases arguments are not passed correctly to the child process. The reason is than QByteArray::size() does not count the trailing zero. Thus the argument strings might be unterminated.

Index: qprocess_os2.cpp
--- qprocess_os2.cpp	(revision 758)
+++ qprocess_os2.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -993,12 +993,12 @@
             // DosStartSession() as it cannot work with high memory
             PSZ pgmNameLow = (PSZ)::_lmalloc(::strlen(programReal) + 1);
             ::strcpy(pgmNameLow, programReal);
-            PSZ argsLow = (PSZ)::_lmalloc(args.size());
-            ::memcpy(argsLow, args, args.size());
+            PSZ argsLow = (PSZ)::_lmalloc(args.size() + 1);
+            ::memcpy(argsLow, args, args.size() + 1);
             PSZ envLow = 0;
             if (!env.isEmpty()) {
-                envLow = (PSZ)::_lmalloc(env.size());
-                ::memcpy(envLow, env, env.size());
+                envLow = (PSZ)::_lmalloc(env.size() + 1);
+                ::memcpy(envLow, env, env.size() + 1);
             PSZ pgmNameLow = (PSZ)programReal;

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