Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#86 fixed File open dialog tries to access drive A: Dmitry A. Kuminov

A user reports that Qt tries to access his drive A: every time he opens a file open dialog. My guess is that it tries to read the root directory which takes too much time and makes too much noise if there is no disk in drive A:. Similar thing should happen to drive B:

#89 fixed Implement QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont() and friends Dmitry A. Kuminov

There is a possibility to add private application-specific fonts which may be used by some applications. Currently, it's a noop on OS/2 and will always fail at application level.

Methods in qfontdatabase_pm.cpp that need to be implemented are:

  • registerFont()
  • QFontDatabase::removeApplicationFont()
  • QFontDatabase::removeAllApplicationFonts()
  • QFontDatabase::supportsThreadedFontRendering()
#90 fixed Resizing top level window using top border breaks mouse coordinates Dmitry A. Kuminov

If you resize the top level window by grabbing its top border and moving it up, mouse coordinates (as seen by Qt) are broken somehow (approximately) by the dimension of the vertical resize.

This can be seen for instance in the standard QFileDialog: after the described resize, pressing mouse in the family selector list box will select an item above the actual mouse location.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.