Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#177 fixed QProcess::startDetached() fails to pass arguments rudi

In some cases arguments are not passed correctly to the child process. The reason is than QByteArray::size() does not count the trailing zero. Thus the argument strings might be unterminated.

Index: qprocess_os2.cpp
--- qprocess_os2.cpp	(revision 758)
+++ qprocess_os2.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -993,12 +993,12 @@
             // DosStartSession() as it cannot work with high memory
             PSZ pgmNameLow = (PSZ)::_lmalloc(::strlen(programReal) + 1);
             ::strcpy(pgmNameLow, programReal);
-            PSZ argsLow = (PSZ)::_lmalloc(args.size());
-            ::memcpy(argsLow, args, args.size());
+            PSZ argsLow = (PSZ)::_lmalloc(args.size() + 1);
+            ::memcpy(argsLow, args, args.size() + 1);
             PSZ envLow = 0;
             if (!env.isEmpty()) {
-                envLow = (PSZ)::_lmalloc(env.size());
-                ::memcpy(envLow, env, env.size());
+                envLow = (PSZ)::_lmalloc(env.size() + 1);
+                ::memcpy(envLow, env, env.size() + 1);
             PSZ pgmNameLow = (PSZ)programReal;

#178 fixed Poor QNetworkDiskCache performance rudi

Not sure if we should do this kind of things, because it's a multiplatform issue. Even though it probably hurts most on OS/2 (see also #176). Find attached a patch to improve the performance of QNetworkDiskCache::expire(). It avoids to stat() cache files before they get deleted.

It sees to futher improve Arora browser's behavior.

#179 fixed Enable support for MySQL and PostgreSQL plugins rudi

It turns out, that these two database plugins can be build quite nicely. We should at least offer "configure" support for them (if not even ship binary versions). Here is, what I did to compile them:

Added to src\plugins\sqldrivers\mysql\

    os2 {
        TARGET_SHORT = qmysql
        LIBS += -lmysqlclient_r -lpthread -llibssl -llibcrypto

Then run:

qmake "INCPATH+=<mysql_path>\include\mysql" "LIBPATH+=<mysql_path>\lib"


I couldn't find a clear statement, if the "reentrant" version of the MySQL client library is really necessary when used in the context of a Qt plugin. If not, it would remove the dependency from pthread.

For PostgreSQL the change in src\plugins\sqldrivers\psql\ could look like this:

   os2 {
       TARGET_SHORT = qpgsql
       LIBS += -llibpq -llibssl -llibcrypto

And the qmake/make command being similar.

In both cases the resulting plugins depend on OpenSSL. I'm not sure, if we should make the selection of the SSL libs a config option so that the user can also build the plugins with SSL linked in statically. But as I wrote in #167, I would prefer the DLL approach.

BTW, I did a quick test only with MySQL. I don't have PostGreSQL running here.

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