Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#65 fixed Odd QFileDialog behavior Dmitry A. Kuminov

QFileDialog behaves wrongly on OS/2. Things that I noticed:

  1. The root directory of the current drive cannot be read. Specifying top-level folders manually in the file name entry field works.
  2. Typing a name of the existing folder in the file name entry field creates a duplicate name in the list view if the case of the typed folder differs from the original.
  3. Popup windows (e.g. in the filter combobox) sometimes appear too large.
#66 fixed QSysInfo::OS2Ver Silvan Scherrer

if we are bored we may add the above function to detect the right OS2 version. has an example how to detect the right ecs version

#67 fixed Popup windows are too large Dmitry A. Kuminov

Popup windows (like drop-down menus or combobox lists) sometimes appear too large, much bigger than required by the contents. Investigate and fix it.

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