Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#161 fixed QWidget and WS_CLIPCHILDREN KO Myung-Hun


Does QWidget honor WS_CLIPCHILDREN ?

I attached a child window to a QWidget and the window style of QWidget was modified to include WS_CLIPCHILDREN. Nevertheless, QWidget paints over the child window.

#162 fixed Deadlock of QMutex when quitting VLC KO Myung-Hun


When using debug build of Qt 4.6.2(r744), the following messages are displayed on quitting VLC.

QMutex::lock: Deadlock detected in thread 9
QMutexPrivate::QMutexPrivate: DosCloseEventSem returned 301

BTW, that thread was not created by VLC. That is, it's in Qt4 internal.

And I suspect that this is the cause of blocking VLC when trying to play a second movie using embedded video mode which is being implemented.

#163 fixed Screen corrupted when using QT_PM_DIVE KO Myung-Hun


When a window is resized in according to making a window inside it, the screen is corrupted.

QT_PM_NO_DIVE can prevent this corruption.

You can confirm using SMPlayer. The initial window of SMPlayer is corrupted if QT_PM_DIVE is set.

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