Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#121 fixed Not all numbers on Numberpad work Batchheizer

Some but not all numbers work on the numberpad. 23589 all work. The others behave as if the numlock were not on.

(for example in Qoobar, Lyx, ASTranlator...)

#122 fixed Floating dock windows cannot be docked back Dmitry A. Kuminov

This may be seen in any application using them such as qdesigner. Quite annoying. The only way to fix that is delete qdesigner settings to make it reset to all docked state. Normally, double clicking on the dock widget's title bar should dock it back.

Another problem is that floating dock widgets have a too thin border which also doesn't let them to be resized which is also wrong.

#123 fixed Derive language settings from the system Dmitry A. Kuminov

Currently, Qt relies on the LANG environment variable to detect the country and language of the system locale. This information should be rather taken directly from the system.

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