Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#83 invalid QWidget::create() Silvan Scherrer

while testing blubbels i saw the following: QWidget::create(): WinCreateWindow?(WC_FRAME) failed with 0x00081034 QWidget::create(): WinCreateWindow? failed with 0x00081001

when building the app as debug app all works

game.cpp needs a #ifndef Q_OS_OS2 search for use_sound = on; and change this to

#ifndef Q_OS_OS2 use_sound = on; #else use_sound = false; #endif


#161 fixed QWidget and WS_CLIPCHILDREN KO Myung-Hun


Does QWidget honor WS_CLIPCHILDREN ?

I attached a child window to a QWidget and the window style of QWidget was modified to include WS_CLIPCHILDREN. Nevertheless, QWidget paints over the child window.

#200 wontfix QTextEdit (and maybe other widget classes) consumes keyboard shortcuts Yagiza

When I have a widget with QTextEdit class in the window and add a keyoard shortcut (QShortcut) to it with key sequence (QKeySequence) it already handles (with Return, Backspace or other special keys) the shortcut do not trigger and default action preformed instead. This happens with any key combination which contains handled special keys (for example Ctrl+Return also doesn't work). In both windows and linux those shortcuts works all right.

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