Custom Query (16 matches)


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Status: closed (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#293 Inconsistent left mouse button behavior in all Qt apps with SNAP and animated pointers Lewisr defect minor 4.7.3 low
#253 Warp4 Style enhancement minor 4.6.3 low
#209 xCenter widget and "Always on top" defect minor 4.6.3 low
#200 QTextEdit (and maybe other widget classes) consumes keyboard shortcuts defect major 4.6.3 low
#193 Reconsider usage of native file dialogs enhancement minor 4.6.2 low
#164 File open dialog not sorting by name defect major 4.6.2 low
#163 Screen corrupted when using QT_PM_DIVE defect major 4.6.2 medium
#162 Deadlock of QMutex when quitting VLC defect blocker 4.6.2 highest
#161 QWidget and WS_CLIPCHILDREN defect major 4.6.2 high
#160 Assistant not drawing correctly on startup (direct frame bufffer mode only) defect major 4.6.2 low
#159 DIVE modes crash on 24bit (BGR3) screen surface defect major 4.6.2 low
#139 Enable drive icons enhancement minor 4.5.1 GA low
#129 Build break using GCC 3.3.5 defect major 4.5.1 GA low
#118 showFullScreen() of a frame window defect major 4.5.1 Beta 5 low
#42 Port QFileDialog task major 4.5.1 Beta 1 low
#35 Finish QColormap task minor 4.5.1 Beta 1 low
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.