Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (292 - 294 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#269 David McKenna invalid Missing files with YUM

Not all the files in the prerequisite file gcc4core-1_2_1.wpi are installed by the YUM install of QT4.7.3 (tried an UPDATE too). I also cannot install them with this file because LIBC064 was installed by YUM so the WPI cannot find it and won't continue. I manually extracted the files.

Found this out when trying to run the new SMPlayer B4.

#305 Alex Taylor wontfix Application icon is unavailable in (e.g.) MessageBox::about() when ICO is used.

QIcon apparently does not support the OS/2 Icon format. (This is not really surprising.) However, relying on an Icon resource in a .RC allows the application icon to use a proper OS/2 multi-image icon to be used, which is nice. Presumably this is because the OS handles the rendering and not Qt.

However, doing it this way appears to mean that Qt cannot access the application icon for other purposes.

In particular: creating an 'about' dialog with QMessageBox::about() is supposed to (according to the Qt4 docs) use the application or parent widget's icon if it exists, or use the generic Information icon otherwise. However, the actual result in this case is no icon at all. I assume this is because Qt4 'knows' there's an application icon, so it doesn't fall back to the Information icon... but the application icon is in a format it can't draw, so it ends up drawing nothing.

I assume other contexts would also be unable to render the application icon. If support for OS/2 Icon cannot easily be added, perhaps the failure logic could be improved.

#202 Yagiza wontfix Use System Tray instead of Extended System Tray

I think, using additional widget just for Qt apps is not a good idea, when we have a fully functional system tray, supported by several applications and Odin, which distributed both as XWorkplace widget and standalone application. Does it really have lack of functionality, so another system tray implementation is necessary?

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