Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (259 - 261 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#193 rudi wontfix Reconsider usage of native file dialogs

With respect to it might be worth to consider the implementation of "native" file dialogs. Of course this feature should be configurable so that users that don't have this extension installed won't end up with the original one.

#195 BlondeGuy wontfix Automated installation via WIC is disabled

In version 4.6.3, there is a warning page. If I attempt to install via WIC -i, then I get the text of this page and no installation rather than a successful installation returning 0.

If I find time, I fix the script and upload to this ticket.

#197 rudi fixed Allow developers to build documentation

Currently, the QT documentation can only be built, when configuring an "official build". I don't really see a reason, why we should not allow this by default (i.e. always add "docs" to QT_DEFAULT_BUILT_PARTS).

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